CTFd Tips
Pulling information directly from the database
To get started you need to install sqlite3 to interact with the sqlite db.
apt-get install sqlite3 -y
Hide all the challenges
sqlite3 /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/ctfd.db "UPDATE challenges set state='hidden';"
Starting an event
When starting an event, if all of the challenges are hidden, this is a quick way to make all the challenges visible.
sqlite3 /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/ctfd.db "UPDATE challenges set state='visible';"
Team mode - List Individuals by Points/Solves
Even though it is in team mode, it can be good to identify the MVP of the CTF.
select COUNT(user_id), user_id, users.name, SUM(challenges.value)
from [solves]
JOIN users ON [solves].user_id = users.id
LEFT JOIN challenges ON [solves].challenge_id = challenges.id
group by user_id order by SUM(challenges.value) DESC;
Pull emails from ctfd
sqlite3 /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/ctfd.db "select email from users;"
Export and Backup
After a CTF event, I always perform an export from within CTFd. You can then use this export to import into a new CTFd instance. There are issues though, when CTFd updates the code base, it does not guarentee backwards compatibility with exports. The reason behind it is that CTFd is designed for one-off events and not long-term CTFs. To future-proof the backups, I like to just back up the enitre CTFd folder. This makes it easier to just deploy an old instance and restore.
tar -czf /tmp/CTFd.tar.gz /var/www/CTFd
Remove cyber league
I always remove cyber-league as it confuses people. I just comment out the <!-- <div> </div> -->
divs for the league stuff.
cp /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/login.html /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/login.html.bak
cp /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/register.html /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/register.html.bak
cp /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/teams/team_enrollment.html /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/teams/team_enrollment.html.bak
vim /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/login.html
vim /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/register.html
vim /var/www/CTFd/CTFd/themes/core/templates/teams/team_enrollment.html
Add a registration code to limit who can register for a CTF
There was a need to prevent people from registering on a public CTFd instance. THIS IS A HACK, your mileage may vary.
added to line 165:
eventcode = request.form["eventcode"] ```
added to line 179:
errors.append("Invalid Event Code")
/var/www/CTFd/CTF/themes/core/templates/register.html added to line 46:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="eventcode-input">
Event Code
<input class="form-control" type="password" name="eventcode" id="eventcode-input" />